Healthy Resolutions: A Heart Centered Approach To 2022!

With the new year at day one, it’s commonplace to make resolutions to fulfill your 2022 goals. But these are not common times, and with the world changing rapidly, there may be a gentler, kinder way to satisfy the needs of your soul.

Ask yourself, what is your heart seeking? You may want to break this down into categories; Personal, business, health, and relationships.

Go ahead and write it down. You may surprise yourself that your answer is not to be thinner or richer, but to be kinder to yourself, less judging, more grateful, more direct with others, to attract healthy relationships, stay calm in stressful situations, or to feel physically lighter & peaceful.

Once you’ve established what your heart needs, (this may be an evolving process) keep the list somewhere where you can read it daily, and begin to create a story around these more aligned thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

To do this, you may wish to write, draw, visualize, pray, paint, consult with a friend, professional counselor, or therapist or connect with nature to gain clarity, perspective, and purpose.

Whatever your heart needs, ease into it. Mistakes can be corrected, plans can change, and the journey toward your goals can be undertaken with gentleness and compassion.

Healthy resolutions are ones that are not forced through fear, self-critisism, or shame. They can evolve slowly and gain momentum as you stay present with your heart leading the way.

Nigel Sampson

Whole Body MethodComment