Groovy Green Goat: Our Groovy New Sister Company

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I started playing around with nutritional supplements when I was in my teens in the early 80’s. In part, this was due to my mother owning a weight loss center franchise called Aussie Health. I’d work there after school; weighing clients in, handing out herbal formulas and setting them up for exercising on the stationary bikes.

I especially remember one of the herbal formulas contained small particles of activated charcoal, wattle seed (Australian Acacia) and ginger. This concept of combining nutrients from nature interested me so much that I started experimenting with my own recipes to make superfood shakes.

To do this, I’d visit the local health food shop to buy spirulina and herbs, mix them up and my brothers would voluntarily taste them. Mostly they tasted pretty awful, but nothing that adding icecream couldn’t fix.

Years later I came to the US and immersed myself in the fitness business, studying Pilates, yoga, fitness and nutriton. I eventually came full circle…making formulas for clients, this time based on science, ayurvedic philosophy and a healty dose of intuition.


One of the products I developed was called Groovy Green Goat Superfood. I noticed that although there were green super-foods on the market that were rich in spirulina and chlorella, they lacked the building blocks for cellular health being minerals and proteins. Most of these minerals could be found in an amazing nutrient called Goat Mineral Whey (more on that in a future blog). I had a strong conviction too, that antioxidants and especially ayurvedic herbs were important for overall wellbeing.

It took several years to make a harmonious formula, as supplement formulation is similar to baking a cake; where not only quality but the quantity of each ingredient matters. I see many supplements that have 50-70 ingredients which a) dilutes the individual ingredient potency and b) is probably not a harmonious mix.

We’ve been supplying Groovy Green Goat Superfood out of the kitchen to clients for over 15 years. This year our goal is to go mainstream. We’ve started the Groovy Green Goat company, with more products in the pipeline, but for now we’d love to share our orignal GGG formula with you.

Nigel Sampson

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